
Available Intellectual Property

The Office of Technology Transfer identifies, evaluates, and manages Syracuse University’s intellectual property (IP) and then licenses that IP to entrepreneurs and industry.

Inventions created by faculty and their graduate student assistants, whether created in a sponsored research program or otherwise in the normal scope of employment, are by agreement owned by Syracuse University. Inventions created by staff or other students also belong to Syracuse University if special university assets were used. This is typical of most research universities. As a research university, Syracuse University views itself as a steward of these assets and strives to maximize the societal good produced by them.

A partial list of available technologies from Syracuse University are available by clicking on the “Available Intellectual Property” button above and also on the online IP market portal for Flintbox. If you don’t find something particular that meets your needs; or perhaps you see a technology that’s not yet at the right stage of development, contact us to discuss customized sponsored research.